
Form® Brand Busts

Did you know we run Brand Bust workshops?

This is a process we at Form® have developed to help our clients really understand who they are, who their audience is/is not and help establish core brand values, the messages they want to communicate to the wider world, define goals, and a look at competitor differentiation opportunities too. All leading to a stronger brand and communications plan and comes from 25 years experience of working with brands of all sizes – from large corporate companies through to small start-ups.

We recommend this valuable process to our clients before embarking on any creative and visual work and the end product is a clear and defined creative brief and a focused brand plan.

Experience tells us that clients get a lot out of this process and in several cases have helped them redefine not only their brand but their entire business strategy.

Sessions typically take half or a full day, can involve as many key decision makers as necessary and can take place at Form’s home office, your own office, or somewhere in between!

“Form really grasped what it was we were looking for and then took it a step further, making fantastic suggestions that could have taken us months to come up with internally. Their approach was so professional whilst maintaining a high level of enthusiasm for what we are doing. We cannot wait to roll it out and watch our customer’s and potential customer’s reactions”.
BD Marketing Manager, London.

Please contact Paula Benson for more information and for a chat about how we might help you:
T: 020 7014 1430